Sunday, 1 August 2010

From the chasm he returns!


Well once again that time has come where I reignite my annual desire to keep a blog. Its been over a year since my last update and this time, THIS TIME, I was update often and with added enthusiasmso to capture your hearts and minds (though I'm sure this attempt will again end up more like the hearts and minds of the Iraqis... ¬.¬)

I'm 23 now and just about to enter third year of university so things should be interesting enough. I have many things I can blog about and this coming academic year will no doubt suprise me (and you) with many periods of hardship, stress and pain. I've heard third year can do that to people.

I'm also going to cut down on the political commentary that started to creep into this blog last year, but like my 2009 resolutions, this pledge might also be forgotten.

Actually, no plans. I'm just going to take 30 minutes every so often to write on here whatever comes to mind. Limiting yourself in a blog/journal/diary format isn't the best way of doing things.

Before this can all begin, however, I must go to bed. Its 0235, and even though I'm not tired, I feel laying down would help remedy this. In fact, I may even put on one of the Lord of the rings appendice DVDs on a low volume to help my mind continue to feed on input, but not at such a level that its engrossed (as it is now with Amorphis blaring through my speakers!).



  1. One does not simply pogo into Mordor.

  2. I'm glad you decided to blog again. i am a bit miffed, as all these people were telling me to do a blog, so i did. nobody is even reading it or commenting LOL. oh well... guess that will teach them to come up with stupid ideas :p

  3. I've read your blog, Kande. You're a really good writer :)
