Monday, 19 January 2009

Yes we can.

I started the Philosophy section of my course on Friday and its been highly interesting. Fridays lecture was just an overview of the terminology of Morality. Prudence and Right. Basically doing morally right things for the right reasons. Taking prudence (Self Interest) in action may have morally right outcomes but the motives involved aren't. Or something along those lines, I haven't had a chance to review my notes yet and write them up properly. Also the language of Morals is different from the language of Prudence -

In a breach of Prudence, if you get drunk before an exam people may say that's "Daft", "Stupid" or "Senseless" and those words cannot be used in a Breach of Morals where pimping your child can be called "Evil", "wicked" or "Terrible" for example. You wouldn't call yourself evil for hampering your own chances and you would call someone daft for pimping their child. Obviously this is pretty straight forward but its always interesting to think about.

Today we were breeding Anarchy. Mondays lectures will be about Political Philosophy and whether or not we should just accept the authority and power of the state. Marvellous.

Uni feels like its going to go well and I'm looking forward to really, properly get started! Interacting with the people there would be a good start though because just sitting in the canteen reading the Independent while scoffing a roll isn't going to be fun for too long. Though the college down the road has copies of NewScientist magazine, but that would take me further away from my course mates :/ Meh.

Tonight I have to read through History Tutorial notes for tomorrow and watch the football; Liverpool vs Everton, it should be a bloody cracker of a game :D Then tomorrow I can come home from Uni and watch the Inauguration of the new President of the World, Barack Obama.

I say President of the World because that's basically what he will be. The worlds Financial sector is tied up to whats going on in America, the security of the world is in Americas hands, our own British Government is (or at least under Bush we were) on a leash being held by America with regards to Foreign policy. The UN is useless without full participation of the United States and they have Hundreds of Thousands of men and equipment in bases across the globe. Most powerful man on Earth and the Leader of the Free World - and Americans say our opinions on their leaders don't matter even though the actions of their leaders effect everyone.

I have a good feeling about Obama though. Ever since I first saw him in 2007 I've liked him. His smile, persona, the way he talks and can inspire. His victory speech was amazing. The man has the potential to change the world; Change being the key term used through his whole election campaign. I like America and If there is going to be a superpower in this world I want it to be them for now and, to use the kind of speech that American politicians love to use, be a beacon of hope and freedom to the rest of the world. "Yes we can" are the most important 3 words Obama has brought to us. It not only applies to the US but to everyone. We can all press our governments for change. We can all make the world a better place if we want to. That is why Obama is so popular around the world, unlike any other leader, he inspires hope and confidence in an increasingly dark world.

Obviously I'd like The EU to challenge US dominance in the future but that would require a unified European State and that's a long way away! I'd like Scotland to have a good generation of independence before we are all swallowed up by a new Europe.

1 comment:

  1. I find it extremely interesting to read your views of the U.S. and our new president. You are quite a smart chap! :)
