I met my good mate Rik at 5.30pm at a pub called the Coach and Horses. Its an old old little tavern bar like you'd have seen in an old film about the 18th century; Stone floor, bare stone walls, grand fireplace, wooden shutters over the windows, rickety tables and chairs. And the most important ingredient? Bass Ale. I don't know why I'm not down there more often to be honest. Its mighty charming.
We left at around 7.30pm to go to Haddows (drink shop) and head back to mine because it was cheaper than staying at the pub until 8.oopm. I got 2 bottles of Hoegaarden Grand Cru for £2.18 even though the shelf label said £2.15 a bottle. Bumbling sales staff FTW ^_^ At 8.5% vol these beers aren't to be drunk fast, but savoured and respected. 25 minutes later we left my place ( ¬.¬ ) and went to the 102 Club.
After some texting and waiting to find out who won the final of Strictly come Dancing, a bad habit but there are more hot women on that show than any other on a Saturday night :aye: , I finally got into the groove of the evening; drinking and chatting of course. I wasn't really in the mood for dancing because of the emo/metalcore play list but that's was OK! I got to see a bunch of people I'd not seen for ages and relax. Here are a couple of pics of me with Carrie & Hannah, and with Little Linz -
Most of us left for the White Hart pub at 1am when the party had to start winding down. There I didn't drink but stayed outside with the smokers getting my chat on. I had a lovely conversation with Sherie Wallace about why we didn't get married in a castle with Elton John playing Piano <.< good times!
Its odd how it works. in the last 5 or 6 years there have been a lot of good times. I'll outline them and hopefully I'll remember them in the right order.
- The first night me and Fraser got drunk. We had wicked cocktails of whisky, rum, vodka and apple juice. We then drunk-dialled the entire nation <.< - Metallica Weekend in London with Rory and Fraser in 2003. We couldn't drink that this one only being 16 at the time but it was a wicked occasion. On the train down we entered hell, where time stood still and the fog was alive. The locals called it Stafford, but only to hide the shame of actually being hell. Satan made or train break so it had to stop there but luckily another train braved it and collected us. On the return journey we were on the 8 hour bus from London to Dumfries singing songs about Stafford and being merry. Lusting over the girl who shared the backseat with us was a highlight too. - Metallica in Glasgow. We were doing Schwarzenegger impressions in the line to the park and these Icelandic guys liked them and joined it XD. When their mates came back with a ton of booze the woman behind us told them they couldn't take it into the park so the guys were like "helps us guys, take these, take these" and he was handing up packs and packs of raspberry vodka shots! It was excellent.
- Summer 2004, my parents were in Germany for the week and I had an open door party for the whole week. Rory and Fraser stayed the week but other people came and went. The time of mine and Rory's glorious 15 hour drinking slog. Good times.
- Parties at Rory's outhouse. Plenty to remember. Absinthe night was 2006 i Think. (do I really need to tell you how bad a night called Absinthe night could get for somebody?!), and a night that doesn't have a name, so I'll do that now temporarily - The raw fish & cream cheese, projectile vomiting, out cold for hours and miraculous recovery to make out with a beautiful girl night. One to remember. Thanks to Sherie for looking after me. This was 2004. Ha ha, Suplex night. Me and Fraser suplexed Rory onto his parents old car and smashed the windshield. Bad times but ultimately good times. Also, when all three of us got a bottle of our favourite tipple each; Jagermeister for me, Southern Comfort of Fraser and Jack Daniels for Rory. We drank them all in the one night.
- Download 2006 (Metallica, Tool & Guns and Roses). The highlight of this trip was meeting a huge crowd of other Scots and teaching my friends Linnea (from Sweden) and Beverley (from Wales) how to Scottish country dance. We also marched around the festival site singing Flower of Scotland. Good times.
- Vodka/roof/penalty/collapse night. Me, Fraser and Rory (the usual suspects) get a bottle of Vodka on a quiet Sunday afternoon. I end up falling off the shed roof trying to get the football down. Rory smashing a penalty kick into my face (I cant remember even playing penalties - I can only recall sitting at the table with the boys and Fraser's sister and her friends) So I got memory loss and ended up collapsing in the gravel. Bad times but ultimately good times!
- Amsterdam 1 - 2007, I met Misty from Texas and Rens, a Netherlander and very dear friend of mine. Boom Chicago was hilarious as was smoking cigars with Rens.
- Zoe and Frasers camping birthday - July 2008. A lot of us were at a campsite deep in the woods 6 miles from town. We were about 2 miles into the forest. Everyone was drunk, had lost my Cd's, someone was playing shit guitar, I was cranky. I had a small collision with Zoe who in a blind (yet not entirely serious) rage told me to "Just go home then :x"... so being drunk and angry I did. All 8 miles from about 3am. I made it into town by about 6.30am. I was so tired.
- Visiting Fraser in St. Andrews - September 2008, up for Freshers Week. Drinking most nights, highlight? Getting separated and lost. Ending up walking the entire coastal walk because I thought I remembered them talking about going to the beach. How is this memorable? Because I ended up sitting on what I thought was a random little bridge of a stream. I looked about and realised it the was the bridge on the 18th fairway at the world famous Royal & Ancient golf course at St. Andrews. Kind of surreal <.< - Dublin, Amsterdam 2 and Erp - drinking most nights with people from all over Europe and North America. The highlights were sleeping on an airbed in a cold kitchen at Johns granny flat with Sara. It was ridiculous ^_^ and the journey to Eindhoven/Erp with Rens, Linnea, Marcus and Misty. Especially walking from Veghel to Erp, Making the pizza from Scratch and dancing to Rick Astley ^_^
okies, I'll let you all go. All one of you.
Iam emo metalcore.Well,I love Sirenia.